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和平是我们的选择 我们热爱和平 我们需要和平 我们一起守望和平
مؤسسة الإعلام المشاهير وتلفزيون السلام يخدمان السلام العالمي والشؤون الدولية للأمم المتحدة.ة
名人媒体基金会和平电视 PeaceTV 为世界和平和联合国国际事务服务
Celebrity Media Foundation and PeaceTV serve world peace and United Nations international affairs.
La Fondation des médias des célébrités et PeaceTV œuvrent pour la paix mondiale et les affaires internationales des Nations Unies
Фонд медиа знаменитостей и телеканал PeaceTV служат мировому миру и международным делам Организации Объединенных Наций.
La Fundación de Medios de Celebridades y PeaceTV sirven a la paz mundial y a los asuntos internacionales de las Naciones Unidas.


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名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation) 成员


  • Otry Lanez

    "Lifestyle is in my blood" Otry Lanez started his career at 365 News Live in 1995 as a reporter and host of the column "In the heart of the city" following the latest fashion trends.
  • Abela Kim

    "Watch out you bad guys..." Since 2012, Abela is an author and a host of "Crime Games" page and is our leading crime journalist. She has firm hand and detective instinct.
  • Nevadius Future

    "Soccer, soccer till the End!" His career as a sports journalist began in 2006. Before this for 6 years Nevadius is a part of basketball club Tigers of Buda.
  • Scooter Young

    "Politics is floating matter" Scooter is the author of many journalistic materials - the situation in Lebanon after the civil war in Afghanistan, political parties in Bulgaria.
  • Otry Lanez

    "Lifestyle is in my blood" Otry Lanez started his career at 365 News Live in 1995 as a reporter and host of the column "In the heart of the city" following the latest fashion trends.
  • Abela Kim

    "Watch out you bad guys..." Since 2012, Abela is an author and a host of "Crime Games" page and is our leading crime journalist. She has firm hand and detective instinct.
  • Nevadius Future

    "Soccer, soccer till the End!" His career as a sports journalist began in 2006. Before this for 6 years Nevadius is a part of basketball club Tigers of Buda.
  • Scooter Young

    Scooter Young

    "Politics is floating matter" Scooter is the author of many journalistic materials - the situation in Lebanon after the civil war in Afghanistan, political parties in Bulgaria.


名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation)是美国纽约州注册的国际性组织,运营网络电视的免税非营利媒体机构,从事以联合国新闻为主的世界各国新闻的采编发布业务。
名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation)传扬和平之君的和平福音理念,旨在支持联合国国际事务和广泛开展公益事业。


名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation)在热心的志愿者和慈善家志愿支持下运作,我们共识是:有必要发掘和支持那些致力于改善全球社会状况的非营利组织和项目

名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation)在力所能及的情况下,为联合国国际事务和公益事业提供资金支持,包括提供慈善捐赠,以及支持宣传、教育和倡导活动。名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation)致力于全球公益事业的良好进展并推动国际上有影响力的慈善机构和名人为国际事务慈善公益活动提供高标准的慈善支持。